
Quality policy

The Quality Policy of the Faculty of Teacher Education in Rijeka represents the foundation of this institution's total activities by expressing its focus on the continual promotion of high standards of studying quality, scientific, research, artistic and professional work and management that is shared by the faculty board and all other employees.

The faculty promotes a culture of quality that is characterised by the harmonisation of the needs and desires of all participants - primarily students, teachers, administrative services and the professional sector that the Faculty cooperates with.

The faculty views quality as one of its fundamental values and accepts international and national quality measuring systems in the evaluation of all of its activities. Based on its mission and vision, the Faculty aims to constantly improve its culture of quality, particularly through:

  • the continued development of the quality assurance system based on European standards and guidelines, national, university and faculty level criteria and standards of quality while stimulating the participation of all members,
  • the development of study programmes based on the results of current scientific research, resulting in the high level of learning outcomes achieved through an academic qualification in the area of early and preschool care and primary education;
  • ensuring propriety, ethical behaviour, responsibility and equal opportunities for all employees and students;
  • continuously monitoring and systematically improving the efficiency of the educational, scientific and research and professional activities of the Faculty
  • responsible and transparent financial transactions that are devoted exclusively to the development of the Faculty

The Faculty's quality policy is based on independent and periodic evaluations of the quality assurance system that are conducted both externally and internally and in harmony with the guidelines given by the Agency for Science and Higher Education.

All workers are expected to take personal responsibility for the quality of their work, while the Faculty Board holds the responsibility of ensuring and developing the resources necessary for the implementation of this Policy.

The faculty constantly monitors and revises all its quality assurance procedures in order to ensure it acts in accordance with European and national standards for quality assurance in higher education, with relevant legislative and other acts and with good practice, all in the best interest of the academic community in its entirety.

The Quality Policy of the Faculty of Teacher Education in Rijeka


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